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Our Mission

Our Mission

A.R.T.S (Achieve, Relate, Transform, Support) is a 501(c)(3) non-profit organization committed to making art accessible to all as it benefits the mental well-being of individuals and acts as a unifying force that promotes understanding and creativity worldwide.


Our team's primary goal is to inspire and help people through art. We firmly believe that anyone can be an artist because art has no limits or restrictions.Art is a transformative force people can use to express themselves. It can connect people together; just like how it has connected our team together. Art supports personal growth by giving individuals the opportunity to make what they choose to make.


We also strongly believe in art therapy as there is often a sense of peace and relief people feel when creating. We aim to share the joy of artistic expression and promote art therapy as a means of healing. Through A.R.T.S, we want to showcase our passion for art while giving others the chance and resources to do it themselves. 
The world of art has no limit and we hope that others may also be able to discover that. 

How It Began

A.R.T.S originated when Julianne was in sixth grade, amidst a global pandemic that forced everyone into quarantine. Feeling isolated, Julianne turned to her interests, particularly art, as a way to find solace and relief. She discovered that creating art was incredibly therapeutic and helped keep her calm. However, she also realized that not everyone may have had the means to do the same. The opportunity to employ art to reduce stress would not be available to underserved communities or families with limited resources, even though these groups might have needed it the most. Additionally, she wanted to inspire other children out there to unleash their creativity and express themselves. As a result, "Julianne's Hearts Full of Arts" was created. 

Throughout sixth grade to the beginning of ninth grade, Julianne used the money she earned through her art competitions and through selling her art to create "art kits". These art kits are packed with a variety of art supplies and donated to various nonprofit organizations. In total, she was able to pack and donate 275 kits by herself. During that time, she wanted to create more changes around her but knew she couldn't do it alone. She reached out to a bunch of other talented artists she knew to create a team. Thus, "A.R.T.S" was founded.

A.R.T.S is currently joining many community events in order to inspire others out there to try art. The profits all go to nonprofit organizations supporting under-resourced families. As time continues, we hope to grow into a larger team so that we can have a bigger impact on the world! Please continue to join us on our journey and check out our other links. Thank you!

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